Our course programme
One Camp - two cities

The detailed schedule of our course programme changes slightly every year and will be finalised before the camp, but below we provide some information to get an idea for what you can expect:

A Holistic, and Global Perspective

We want to look at the topic of sustainable cities from as many different perspectives as possible including:

  • Food
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Social and economic aspects

Further, during the camp you get the chance to explore each of these aspects in a global context, looking at what they mean for cities in different parts of the world.

A Typical Day

A typical day at the summer course looks something like this:

  • 8:00 – Breakfast 
  • 9:00 – Field Visit
    e.g. visit to a local solar power project or meeting with a traffic planning expert
  • 13:00 – Lunch & Siesta back on campus
  • 14:30 – Sharing & Discussion about field trip (or anything else you want to talk about!)
  • 15:30 – Break
  • 16:00 – Team Time: incorporating what you have learned today into your team project
  • 17:00 – Time Off because we all need a break some time!
  • 18:00 – Dinner
  • 19:00 Evening Fun (strictly optional!):
    Films, impromptu concerts, time at the pizza oven… or simply quietly reading a book

We are serious about fun

Learning is important, but we also know this camp happens during your summer holidays! So we will make sure that there’s enough time for fun – for swimming in the river (5 mins from the campus), trips to the city (15 minutes by bike or tram), basket- or volleyball games on campus, campfires & pizza oven sessions in our garden.

Oh, and if you need some quiet time, then our campus with the 500 year old monastery garden at the edge of the forest offers lots of opportunities to go for a walk, sit somewhere quietly to read a book… or just do nothing and soak up the sunshine. It’s your summer holidays, after all!